
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! And a surprise.

Happy New Year, Gang!

If you are here again, welcome back. Glad to see you. Obviously you like me. LOL!! And if you were trying to find recipes online and it miraculously brought you here, well  

Keep reading to the end for a HUGE surprise.

So New Year, new things happening.  First, I wanted to tell you guys a little about my new year’s resolution. (Yes, I actually still make those.)

This year is all about organization.

Ok, that probably wasn’t as exciting as it was in my head. Anyway, I’m all about getting organized this year. That means my house, my time, and my writing. I plan to be so organized in my writing that I’m releasing books every month this year….(Insert record scratch.)


Okay, that may be reaching a bit. But, I do plan to put out more books this year and being organized helps with that.

“But, Tiya, what are you doing to be organized?” I hear your questions.

Well, first, I finally got a desk. In the past all the magic has been happening either in my lap or at my kitchen table. Although both of those areas worked, I want to have my own private work station.

Second, journals. Yes, I have an unhealthy addiction for notebooks. I buy an excessive amount of them, now I’m finding new and useful ways to use them. Like keeping track of character names. (I’m really bad with character names.) Also, keeping up with story ideas and plots. I’m finding all kinds of new use for the thousands of empty notebooks I have cluttering up my house.

Thirdly, organization not only helps clear the clutter, but the mind as well. (I think I read that somewhere) I’m hoping with a little more tidiness and organization, it will free up my thoughts and get those creative juices flowing.

So there you have it, my main goals for this year. What about you, what are you working on this New Year? Tell me all about it in the comments.


And now, the moment you’ve been waiting for, my big surprise.

….. are you ready?



That’s right, you guys will be the first to see my brand new cover for a new Series. I’m so excited to show you the cover. This will be my first book signed with the incredible Perceptive Illusions Publishing. The book will drop this year. (No exact time yet) but, sign up for my Mailing List, and you will be among the FIRST to know when it drops.

Now, without further ado, I present to you, Hawk. Book One in The Church series.












Isn’t it sexy! I can’t wait until you meet Hawk and Brooklyn. Tell me what you think about the cover? And oh yeah, don’t forget to sign up for that newsletter so you will know when it drops.

Until next time, Enjoy!!!




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